Starting at Olive Shoots can be a huge change to your child’s day. 

We want to ensure that at Olive Shoots we make this adjustment as easy as possible for both the child and the parent.

Here are some ways to help your child settle:

Visit Olive Shoots as often as possible before you leave your child at the Centre for the first time. Participate and play with your child with the toys and equipment. This allows him/her to become familiar and happy with their new environment.

Get acquainted with the teachers; tell them anything special you feel should be known about your child.

On their first day stay for only a little while. In our experience, children respond best when you leave them happy, quickly and you make a statement like Im off now. I will be back and you can tell me all the wonderful things you have done today.

Never sneak out when your child isnt ooking. This will tell them not to trust you and they will cling harder the second day.

Saying “good-bye” can be difficult for children and parents alike. A hug and a promise to return at the end of the session are very important. Our teachers are here to help you and your child to work through this transition time. Feel free to ring us if you would like to know how your child is settling during the day.